What is a PID?
PID stands for Property Improvement District. A PID is a public entity administered by the City of Fort Worth for improvements, projects, and special supplemental services over and above those normally provided by the city. A PID is formed by petition of the property owners in the proposed district. It is a self-imposed tax to pay for enhanced services and/or improvements in the district that benefit not only the individual property owners, but also the entire city.
PID 6 was established in 2000 for a continuous term and includes both residential and commercial properties. The tax rate is $0.110 on commercial properties and $0.150 on residential properties per $100 of assessed value.
PID 6 Assessment Ordinance
Services Covered by the PID
On PID 6 public property, services include turf maintenance, mowing, edging, fertilizing, horticultural maintenance, tree care, seasonal color, tree and plant replacement, irrigation, water, electricity, special fence maintenance, ground and holiday lighting, park improvements, trash pickup in parks, and off-duty police patrols.
Services Not Covered by the PID
PID 6 does NOT take care of the resident's property or services such as street repairs, street light maintenance and utility services/repair.
Benefits of a PID
The primary benefit is to provide the assurance of maintaining or increasing property values by a continually maintaining and improving the properties and their surroundings. When PID tax dollars are collected by the City of Fort Worth, they are earmarked for the PID. All that money is guaranteed to be spent on improvements and/or maintenance within the PID district. Neighborhoods do not need to beg, fight and plead with the city every time they want money for an improvement for their neighborhood.
What happens if you do not have a PID?
The answer is obvious! Take a look at other residential areas and compare what the development looks like a few years after the builders leave. Belonging to a PID is a good thing.
For more information regarding pids: https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/ecodev/pid